Friday, July 25, 2008

new words

Lily Pie has a couple of new words.
She always says them together
with great expression
and often looks at her hands while saying them.
The emphasis is always on the first word;
the second
is a one-syllable word
drawn out in true southern fashion
to be more like two syllables.
We can't wait to figure out what she's saying
it sounds exactly like


  1. oh dear! I really don't think she knows that phrase!

  2. no, it isn't that ~ but it sure sounds like it! what on earth can she be saying??

    Brandon thought maybe "what's that" but she doesn't say it as a question.....

    and - she usually says it loud ~ I just hope she doesn't say it at church Sunday :-)

  3. She knows "what's that", too though.
    Maybe she's doing part of 'patty cake?' (hence the hands?)
    hmm, you need to videotape it sometime!


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