We had a visit from Gramma & Grampa Saturday!
They brought Gramma Joyce
who'd been chomping at the bit
to see our new little Lexi.
TJ and Luke & Lana came for the afternoon, too;
it was nice
having all our kids under one roof for a few hours!
(Who is finally enjoying being read to;
up to this point, she has preferred to 'read' to herself.)
I got tickled when TJ joined them on the couch
so he could look at the pictures, too!
Just goes to show you that
great literature can be enjoyed by all ages.
We had a bit of sadness yesterday.
Our food processor
Our food processor
bit the dust.
at a yard sale
16 or 17 years ago.
It was ugly as all get out - but it worked great!
She bought me a new one to replace it about 12 years ago
but I returned it.
It was a wimp compared to this one.
It started breaking a few months ago
so we knew the end was near.
It's not all bad, though.
I can finally get a Cuisinart!
I laughed when I saw the picture of your food processor! I had the same one for probably close to 20 years! I replaced a part once and when it broke the 2nd time I gave it up. I miss it - it was definitely a workhorse. I still haven't replaced it and it's been over 2 years since it bit the dust.