Wednesday, February 27, 2008
dr jeremiah
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
(he did beautifully on the second set of problems, though!)
Monday, February 25, 2008
just another monday
he said she was working on her 'people skills'
you funny, Papa
While Papa & Lily were playing
these guys were busy excavating some dinosaur bones
today was one of those days
when being a mom
took my breath away.
It just happens sometimes
out of the blue.
all of my kids have done it
- taken my breath away -
on more than one occasion.
maybe an exceptional kindness, or generosity
or a hug - just when it's needed
it's just them being them
Lily was playing on my bed while I was sorting fabric.
My side of the closet had become a mound of
and leather goods - in varying stages of disassembly
so I bought some storage tubs so I could sort and contain the mess.
I sorted and folded
and Lily sat there and played
looked beautiful
and she took my breath away!
how, out of all the women in the world,
did I get chosen to be her mom?
I can't fathom!
but I am blessed!
and I never did finish that pile....
Sunday, February 24, 2008
a new twist
our little trooper
what a precious gift Lily is to our family!
Tony is now the only one in the family who hasn't succumbed
to this tummy bug.
I haven't had it as bad as everyone else;
there is no doubt in my mind that taking Tummy Tuneup
several times a day has kept me at least somewhat functional.
words Lily has added to her vocabulary in the past 3 weeks
(but only after saying Luke Skywalker & Darth Vader first)
Happy Birthday
(as in pretty baby)
please that
(she kept saying 'book' to Tony, and he said, "do you want a book?"
she responded "yeah".
He gave her a book and she opened it and started 'reading')
she also does about half the motions to 'here's a ball for baby'
she refuses to ask for milk, though....
Thursday, February 21, 2008
no more metal mouth
Love you, Bud
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
always something
happy (early) birthday
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
sick sweeties
Monday, February 18, 2008
park day
yep, the little cowboy stepped in a puddle right off
Lily and I stayed in the van for a quick snack.
I'd figured we'd just stay in there since it was pretty chilly
even with the 'bootiful' sunshine
once she looked out the window and realized where we were
she wanted out of the car
and in a swing
Brandon enjoys climbing on the outside of the castle
Thanks for being such a great big bub, Brandon!
suit shoppin
leftovers from last week
and didn't get up until after 1:00!
Friday, February 15, 2008
some days it's easier to find joy....
Yesterday was a busy day, but there were lots of good moments.
Actually, we were only home
while I made some cookies (with store-bought dough, at that)
and package them up as gifts for some of our widow ladies.
Both times it was time to leave the Playplace,
(yes, we went to McD’s twice…see line 3 above)
the boys were so good!
I was proud of them;
I realize this is behavior I expect out of them,
but still
I have to think it’s hard for them to leave cheerfully
when they’ve been having so much fun!
I have a hard time putting down a book I enjoy…
Everyone was happy with the Valentine treats I chose for them.
That brought me joy
because I tried to get them something they’d be tickled with
and I did.
I just like to see my children happy
We had a good visit with Lana’s new doctor.
It was nice to have her health problems taken seriously
and come up with a course of action.
He wants her well by May also!
We appreciated that so much
We were able to bless several ladies
and the boys didn’t embarrass us
(well, I suppose I was mildly embarrassed
But, I’d not informed them not to.
Usually, when you go to someone’s house, you go in…)
Lily has this new way of talking that is just precious!
She says lots of words and adds to her vocabulary almost daily.
But this talking is different.
She jabbers, but it isn’t regular baby babbling.
She holds her mouth differently
She changes her facial expressions - a lot
Her voice inflections change.
Some ‘sentences’ end high - as if she’s asked a question
and sometimes, she’ll give a little chuckle
as if she said something funny.
I have no clue what it is she is telling me
but she’s telling me something.
I enjoy it so much
it just about makes me cry.
I’d love to record it,
but I’m not sure she’d talk the same with the recorder on her.
We’ll have to try it anyways
Some days finding joy is easy
other days, like today, it’s a bit harder.
I woke up sore
but I’d slept plenty.
It’s gloomy outside.
The house was a wreck
(see line 3 above)
I was out of my Momma Tea that I drink every day
and had trouble finding my recipe to make more.
I just made up a new recipe.
It may be the same as the old one
Who knows??
The boys (Jeremiah & Josiah)
have been
I snuck into my bedroom with a cup of tea
(it was good - maybe even a bit better than the previous batch!)
and picked up my Bible
and turned to Leviticus
Why on earth did I choose Leviticus when I’m grouchy??
I finished Nehemiah a few days ago and am still chewing on it.
There are some pretty good parenting tips in Nehemiah.
Back to Leviticus….
I got a headache trying to keep track of the different offerings.
I probably already had the headache and just noticed it…
I’m not really sure why it’s important for us
- today -
to know the who, what, when, where, why, and how
of all the different offerings.
Maybe God will show me someday
maybe I’ll just learn what little I can handle…..
Reading the sins that necessitated an offering was interesting.
and convicting.
Maybe I should have the kids memorize Leviticus!
“If the whole Israelite community sins unintentionally
and does what is forbidden in any of the Lord’s commands,
even though the community is unaware of the matter,
they are guilty”
and there’s lots more where that came from…
I am so glad we have a merciful Father
I’m really glad we no longer have to keep track of the offerings.
brings me joy, today
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
isn't it so much fun to have kids?!
the view
I'm really thankful for the
I really am!
It makes the house about 10 degrees warmer
and helps tremendously with the electric bill
I sure miss my view
when there's no green around,
the pond is beautiful to me.
a few weeks ago
one of the kids said something that made me so mad
I stormed out of the house.
never mind that it took me 10 minutes
to find my shoes and jacket and get Lily in the carrier
before I could actually do my storming....
I headed east - towards the pond
but walked around Pine Knoll first.
as I circled the field
I looked at it.
Even in the middle of a gloomy winter day
the water danced.
brings peace to my soul
every time.
As frustrated as I get with the inefficiency of this house
(and there is nothing efficient about it)
I do love the land!
Which is, of course, why we find ourselves
in this
plastic-covered window
in the first place.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008
first letters
Monday, February 11, 2008
monday, monday
least - I don't think they are..
Tony is taking a chemistry class
with some other homeschoolers.
I had planned on Lana being able to drive him
but that didn't work out
so Monday has become 'errand day' for us.
It's actually turned out to be better than I expected
truth be told
my expectations weren't too high
at all
a baby
(who hates being in the car)
a toddler
(who cries for his cup before we're even halfway down the drive)
and a preschooler
(who hates to go IN a store)
Running errands on a Monday
is not my idea of a good time
Brandon is always such a great helper!
thanks, Bud
I couldn't do Mondays without you!
If we don't have a ton of stuff to do
we like to make a quick stop at the Salvation Army thrift store
Lily & I look for fabric
(clothes to re-make into shoes for the little ones)
clothes with the 75% off color tags.
(I don't like to pay full price even at the thrift store!)
Brandon & the boys
check out the toys
and look in the housewares department
for 'vintages'
(old orange Tupperware)
for Lana, a sweater and an antique sifter - just like mine!
sandals for me - which, won't be shared with Lana this summer...
and a 'workerman' hat for the boys
We can usually manage to squeeze some fun in, too.
Most days we go to the park.
The 12:30 bell from Grand Avenue Baptist Church
is our signal to leave to pick up Ton';
the bell rings & we all run for one last trip down the slide
then its a race to see who can get buckled first.
Usually, it's a tie!
Today, it was too cold for the park
so we went to Learning Oasis
to play with the trains.
(I hope they don't mind!)
As we were leaving, Josiah said
"Thanks for taking us to play with the trains!"
Thanks for being grateful, Bub!
Saturday, February 9, 2008
work day
Josiah helped paint the bedroom door
while Jeremiah and Brandon painted the bathroom door
all by themselves!
looks great, guys
when they headed to Yeagers
I said, "You do realize they think they get to paint?!"
we're talking $30 a gal high gloss make a mess trim paint, here....
he said, "they do get to paint!!"
Honey, I'm proud of you!
it's hard to let little guys help do big jobs
Friday, February 8, 2008
Jeremiah, problem solver
Thursday, February 7, 2008
what is it with little boys and baby powder?
save the date
a big bad blunder (by me)
and a few tearful hours (me, again) & conversations with the Papa
we’ve come to a decision
It’s just too late to finish and send out
the save-the-date cards
we finally perfected
We were already pushing it.
They should have been sent out before we ever even took the picture
2 weeks ago
but we figured we could pull it together quickly enough
(and they were so clever)
that it’d still be okay.
What we thought would take hours,
took days.
Then at the last minute
(of already late)
we changed our minds
because we’d finally found ‘perfect’.
Everyone agreed.
We really weren’t slowing down the process at this point,
since we were going to have to wait on the envelopes anyways….
So - we’ve been waiting for a week for this specialized cardstock
to print the pictures on
(it may not sound like it, but they really looked stunning!)
When the order came today - I found paper, not cardstock!
Somehow, I had ordered the wrong stuff!!
There is no time to re-order....
Since you've been waiting patiently

I'm sorry I messed up, Luke & Lana!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
didya vote?
Sunday, February 3, 2008
socks & speakin'
ooh, they are just so sweet!
thanks, Sissia!
Saturday, February 2, 2008
happy groundhog day
Friday, February 1, 2008
just stuff
no story here; just 2 sweet bubs playing game-boy
We got snow!
but, obviously
not much.....