I never intended for it to be a battle.
She’d nursed for fifteen minutes
the milk was long gone
she was pretty much asleep
so I figured I’d unhook her and pat her back.
She was
not happy, Parr!
It took a few minutes for it to sink in
that momma was not going to hook her back up.
But then she settled down.
But she wouldn’t stay laying down
so she got a swat.
She very clearly understands what I mean
when I say, “lay down”
Things went from bad to worse.
An hour later
she was writhing angrily in my arms.
Where did I get this stubborn, stubborn child??
I won.
I held her till she gave in and let sleep overtake her.
She must have been so exhausted;
she’d put up quite a fight!
I held her until her bottom lip went in
and she quit snuffling
and she sighed.
And then I held her more
and cried.
Why does it have to be so hard?

I thought of the Father
How hard it must be for Him.
He gives a simple command
He is disobeyed.
He makes certain we understood the directive.
We do.
And we obey
but only briefly.
And on and on it goes.
And He is sad.
And He wonders,
When will my foolish child understand?
I only want the best for you.
I never intended for this to be war.
She’d nursed for fifteen minutes
the milk was long gone
she was pretty much asleep
so I figured I’d unhook her and pat her back.
She was
not happy, Parr!
It took a few minutes for it to sink in
that momma was not going to hook her back up.
But then she settled down.
But she wouldn’t stay laying down
so she got a swat.
She very clearly understands what I mean
when I say, “lay down”
Things went from bad to worse.
An hour later
she was writhing angrily in my arms.
Where did I get this stubborn, stubborn child??
I won.
I held her till she gave in and let sleep overtake her.
She must have been so exhausted;
she’d put up quite a fight!
I held her until her bottom lip went in
and she quit snuffling
and she sighed.
And then I held her more
and cried.
Why does it have to be so hard?
I thought of the Father
How hard it must be for Him.
He gives a simple command
He is disobeyed.
He makes certain we understood the directive.
We do.
And we obey
but only briefly.
And on and on it goes.
And He is sad.
And He wonders,
When will my foolish child understand?
I only want the best for you.
I never intended for this to be war.