She came in the kitchen
right after I'd reached up high
and grabbed the red container.
"You makin' oatmeal? I'll help!"
"Well, actually, I'm just about done;
I just need to finish stirring."
I'd responded kindly enough
but really I was thinking
"No, you can't help.
I just want to get these made quickly
so you kids can get to bed."
She grabbed Tony's chair to drag it into the kitchen
talking all the while about how heavy it was
and how big of a girl she is.
They are heavy chairs;
Josiah usually asks for help moving them.
As she climbed on her chair
she noticed that I wasn't making oatmeal;
I was making oatmeal cookies.
Her eyes lit up,
"That looks like cookies!"
I'm ashamed to admit
that I'd also had the thought'
"I bet you want to help so you can eat the cookie dough."
She didn't even know it was cookies;
she just wanted to help me.

I'm so glad I didn't insist on finishing up on my own.
She had such a good time helping
and I enjoyed listening to her chatter
while we worked.
Turns out
she's a pretty good cookie-maker, too.
gotta go eat some fresh from the oven cookies
cheerfully made
by the most helpful big little girl I know.