Friday, January 4, 2019

the sun will come out tomorrow

It finally stopped raining this afternoon.

And the sun came out!

And I feel ever so much better.

I've toyed around with the idea of buying one of those lights
that are supposed to help with SAD
but I hate the thought of wasting money, you know?

I probably don't have actual
Seasonal Affective Disorder,
but man do I crave the light.

The instant,
and I mean
I walked through the kitchen 
and caught sight of the sunlight in my flowers on the table,
I could fully breathe again.
Or maybe I could let my breath out all of the way.
I don't know which;
all I know is
 I could feel the benefit of the sunshine in my chest....

In other light news - the tree is still up
and so far, 
I am in no hurry to take it down.


  1. Our tree is still up too! Praise the Lord for sunshine!!

  2. I totally understand! Winter is hard for me - it's rather dreary and dull, but Spring! Oh I love the colors, warmth, and feeling of life that comes with Spring. We've not put a tree up for 9 years now, hard to when one runs a daycare out of their home, but at some point, this isn't forever, and I look forward to dragging out the decorations and sparkly things to add some life and excitement to the winter months. Maybe that's why I painted my cabinets teal...


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