Thursday, July 31, 2008
learning to walk
Monday, July 28, 2008
take, eat
at our church.
Tim Bailey was sharing a sort of combined
‘communion mediation’
a ‘here’s what we do at Central’ for guests.
I was feeling really sad for Lana
because taking communion has always been very special to her,
and her new church doesn’t 'do' communion very often.
He went on to say how precious the weekly practice has become
as he’s grown in his love for the Lord and his awe of Christ.
He finished by saying
“….so when the bread comes, take a piece……
When the drink comes, take a cup and drink and
proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes.”
The trays were passed as usual
from baptized believer to baptized believer.
Josiah didn’t get any bread
(as is the usual custom)
but when the juice was coming, he got out of his seat
and stood kinda between Tony and I,
facing us.
Neither of us thought a thing
and I would remind him to get back in his seat
as soon as the tray was safely out of the way.
When the tray got to Tony
Josiah grabbed out a cup.
It was empty
Tony and I kinda looked at each other.
What had possessed this child?
I certainly didn’t want to cause a scene during the Lord’s Supper,
So I let him grab another cup.
And he drank.
And I realized
he was simply doing what he’d been told.
And he,
my sweet, precious, scrappy,
sitting-still-and-listening-in-church three-year old boy
was proclaiming the Lord’s death
until He returns.
It doesn’t get much better
Friday, July 25, 2008
unexpected blessings
in our freezer!
A whole gallon of raw milk!
We are beside ourselves with excitement.
We haven't been able to go to the dairy
since Granny died,
as most weekends have been taken up with estate business
and if they haven't
Tyler's pretty happy to just be home!
We'd rationed what little milk we had left
and stretched it out as long as we could
but still
we haven't had any real milk in over a month.
I can hardly wait for it to thaw.
oh, it's gonna be sooo good.....
new words
Lily Pie has a couple of new words.
She always says them together
with great expression
and often looks at her hands while saying them.
The emphasis is always on the first word;
the second
is a one-syllable word
drawn out in true southern fashion
to be more like two syllables.
We can't wait to figure out what she's saying
it sounds exactly like
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
miracle rub
ever since Josiah was about 4 months old.
I’d read an article with a recipe for a sleep tincture
and decided I’d give it a whirl.
What did I have to lose ~ we were already not sleeping.
So I followed the recipe.
Well, not exactly exactly
but close.
I followed the procedure exactly.
To my delight
the tincture worked!
It didn’t help Josiah as much as I’d hoped
but it worked wonders with Jeremiah!
And I’ve been hooked on natural remedies ever since
(prior to that, we were pretty much no-remedy,
so while the kids aren’t always thrilled with my potions,
they are glad to have some relief from their ailments.)
I bought my first two herb books
The ABC Herbal and The How To Herb Book.
First time I read ‘em
they confused the fire out of me,
especially the How to Herb one.
But the more familiar I became with all these ‘new’ words and ideas
the more sense I could make of it all.
Using some of the info I gathered from The ABC herbal
and a No Greater Joy article about I-can’t-remember-what
I created my own Miracle Rub
when I had a cold with a sore throat
(I couldn’t use my kiddos as guinea pigs…)
And the stuff worked!
We have since come up with lots of uses for Miracle Rub
(thus the name.
Tyler questioned the use of ‘miracle’
but I assured him, all the ingredients were from God,
so it was a worthy name.
the stuff does work miracles!)
We use Miracle Rub for the following:
Sore throats ~ even Strep
Simply rub a bit all over your neck
Earaches & infections
Put a bit of warm oil on q-tip & rub gently in ear
Rub some around the ear, too
Repeat a few times a day till pain is gone
* the oil must be warmed, cold oil could cause additional pain*
Rub on back & chest (and neck & nose…..)
* use caution if you do this right after a warm bath
while pores are all open ~ it may feel a bit ‘hotter’*
Rub on soles of feet any time you’ve been exposed to illness,
think you have been exposed, are feeling sick in any way
or just want to smell like Christmas.
When I remember,
I put in on everyone’s feet morning and night
all during cold & flu season
Needs lots of repeated treatments
But a dot of straight clove oil would probably be better,
Although I do rub some around the jaw and ears
when someone is teething, for additional comfort
and now
the recipe
Crush a couple cloves of garlic and put in a tiny bowl
Cover with a olive oil
no more than a TBS or you’ll end up with a ton of this stuff
(which is okay, you can just store in the fridge and use later….)
Heat in microwave
(or set bowl in a shallow pan of water on stove)
for just a minute or so.
We’re getting the oil really warm, but not cooking the garlic.
Cover warm oil and garlic and leave it on the counter
anywhere from 5 minutes to a couple hours.
Strain out garlic, keeping the oil.
To the garlic oil extract you just made
add clove essential oil
until it ‘smells like Christmas’.
(you can also add lemon, orange & cinnamon essential oils;
they all add their own helpful properties,
note how much oil you have
and add 4 to 5 times that in olive oil
(if you have a TBS of garlic/clove oil combined,
add about ¼ cup olive oil)
This step is so important because some essential oils are very strong
and would ‘burn’ the skin
If a little one cries right after application on tender skin,
you probably need to add a bit more olive oil to the mix.
Keep in mind,
I’m not a herbalist or an apothecaries
just a momma who found something that
Works For Me!
Monday, July 21, 2008
small world
Sunday, July 20, 2008
just guess
Saturday, July 19, 2008
listening and leader sheep
Unlike our smarter friends,
it had never occurred to us to
sitting quietly for church.
It was never an issue with the other kids;
after forcing them to go to their classes
against their will,
they were thrilled to stay with us.
Not so with this new batch of kiddos, though!
Needless to say
we have had more than our share
our unpleasant Sunday mornings.
Sometimes, we would ask each other
on earth
we were putting ourselves through this.
But still
we felt it was the right thing.
One day
I was talking with a young mom
whose children always sat so nicely in church
(I hated to sit in front of them,
for fear my children would corrupt hers)
She told me they worked on it during the week.
I thought she was brilliant!
And so we practice
(but not as much as we should)
and we have a list of things we do
at church
Things improved, but still weren’t great.
Last Sunday, though,
Jeremiah and Josiah were perfect!
And Lily wasn’t too bad, either.
The sermon was called
and our pastor talked about sheep & shepherding
and focused on a particular breed of sheep that were leaders.

Today we drove to Ozark to buy some more chickens.
From the twenty we bought March 29th
we have two.
On the way there
Jeremiah sees some animals out the window
and says
“I saw some leader sheep!
and they were big”
(they were cows, but that’s not the point)
Tyler and I just looked at each other and smiled.
And that is why we keep our children in church with us
Friday, July 18, 2008
stood up
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
impatient and unkind (my paraphrase) after a rough day.
I can totally relate.
I also try to excuse it.
But the truth is
I’m ugly
I’m ugly.
My heart is ugly.
I heard something earlier
that has stuck with me all day.
“Every time you open your mouth
it’s not an aberration;
it’s a
your heart”
Create in a me a clean heart, O GOD
and renew a right spirit within me
Psalm 51:10
bloggin buddies
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
babies is so smart
Monday, July 7, 2008
ready for the trash
I know
painter's tape really wasn't the best choice
but somebody walked off with my duct tape
"No, Momma,
they still work just fine!"
~ sigh ~
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Friday, July 4, 2008
by the 1st of July
we’ve already gone several times
and could tell you the cheapest and best place
to get any type of firework.
But this year
both time and money have been in short supply
so we were just going to wait and go on the Fourth.
Poor Brandon just couldn’t stand it,
so Daddy had mercy and we went Tuesday.
we did our usual
run to Alma and decide everything costs too much.
We decided that next year - we’ll just skip that part.
Then we headed to south Fort Smith
and checked every tent
before we could finally start shopping.
We are such savvy firework shoppers!
it’s a great way to teach your children how to spend wisely.
It didn’t take long for Jeremiah & Josiah to understand
if we buy fountains from this tent
you can get four;
if you buy them from that tent
you can get 5
for the same amount of money!
They were quick to decide
I love taking my boys shopping for fireworks!
don’t get all that into it
(other than to remember what you want to buy where)
but I have so much fun going with them.
I didn’t know that until a few years ago;
firework shopping was always Dad’s department
I was usually home with a baby
or in the car with a baby…..
When Jeremiah was 2 ½
and Josiah just a little over 1 and learning to walk
(and behaving better in the car)
I went along for the ride.
Nobody fell asleep
so I went shopping with them.
And I realized I’d been gypped all those years!
I was so tickled watching Jeremiah get so excited over
we’d come home and shoot ‘em off
and we had to go get more.
(now that I knew how much fun shopping for fireworks was
I was more willing to let them spend more money on fireworks)
And that was how we ended up locking Jeremiah
in the running car
at the fireworks stand…..
Happy Independence Day