This past week was a whirlwind of busy.
You already know about Monday.
Tyler was gone on a business trip to Dallas
Tuesday through Friday.
I forgot to communicate one (very) major thing to the siding people
which resulted in a waste of $50
(and extra work for us!)
and it just makes me sick every time I think of it.
Wednesday was our 242 group's annual Bost community cookout
which is always fun,
but leaves me rather exhausted.
started of with a bang.
We had a small crisis with registering for classses for next semester,
which wouldn't have been a huge deal,
except that
1) Brandon was also going out of town
and 2) the one person at UAFS who could rectify the situation
was off work!
everything was taken care of by noon
and I was able to follow Brandon's instructions and get him registered,
and most importantly,
there was still room in all of the classes he needed.
Right after getting that all settled,
I met with another cabinet guy.
I don't know that we'll use him though;
I fear he'll be too pricey.
started of with a bang.
We had a small crisis with registering for classses for next semester,
which wouldn't have been a huge deal,
except that
1) Brandon was also going out of town
and 2) the one person at UAFS who could rectify the situation
was off work!
everything was taken care of by noon
and I was able to follow Brandon's instructions and get him registered,
and most importantly,
there was still room in all of the classes he needed.
Right after getting that all settled,
I met with another cabinet guy.
I don't know that we'll use him though;
I fear he'll be too pricey.
As mentioned,
Brandon went out of town,
Brandon went out of town,
also to Dallas,
with a small team of children's ministry workers.
That left me with TKD duty
so we decided to go to the library also.
They assured me that I didn't need to stay there,
so I was going to go grocery shopping,
so I was going to go grocery shopping,
but at the last minute,
after dropping them off,
I went to the main library
and got a book for myself.
And then I went to a nearby park and read until dark.
We picked up pizza after TaeKwonDO
and soda
(What the heck?!)
and I let the kids stay up late to watch a movie.
And I read some more.
And went to bed at midnight,
having read the whole book.
(but I didn't get to sleep until 2,
since Lily joined me in bed
and was sniffling, and tossing and turning
(and sleeping sideways. grr)
I set out to make another swoon block for Jordan's quilt,
which I managed by the skin of my teeth.
I had so much contractor-ing to do, though,
between all the phone calls, texts, and trips outside,
it took me over 2 hours just to get the fabric cut!
Daddy got home around 6
when I was finishing up boys' haircuts,
when I was finishing up boys' haircuts,
but Brandon didn't get home until almost 11.
I honestly have no recollection of the evening.
and then we got started on the house
as soon as we took a short nap after lunch.
(I actually slept - which is practically unheard of)
We worked past dark,
then I came in to fix dinner while Brandon and Tyler kept working.
We had to get everything done that needed doing before insulation goes in,
so we had few more framing fixes and additions,
a little bit of wall plumbing
and some electric jobs
plus we needed to completely empty the house and garage.
Tyler and I went back out after dinner
and worked 'til 11.
We kept adding little things to the list,
to the point that I was quite certain we couldn't get it all finished
if we went to church.
So Sunday,
Brandon took the kids to church,
and after coffee,
we got back to work.
Tyler and I worked out there until 11,
only stopping for lunch, which the kids fixed,
and another short nap
(I slept again! That tells you how very tired I am)
and dinner
(Bran picked up pizza - there was no time to cook)
Brandon came out to help when he could,
and the kids spent several hours over the weekend on pick-up duty
(the siding guys were especially messy!)
It was a long, hard weekend
but we got everything done!
Just in time;
the insulation guys got here while it was still dark this morning.