Thursday, November 19, 2009

lunch with one of my buds

I had a dream about going to Eunices!"

I'm not quite sure
how Josiah had dreamed of lunching
at a place he'd never heard of,
but there you have it.
While Lily was at Lana's to 'help take care of Aiden'
(we all miss her terribly!)
Josiah ran some errands with me.
He wanted to 'go to a store for lunch' while we were out.
We pulled up to the fabric store,
conveniently located right next to a small restaurant.
We'd never tried it, but I figured it'd be a good chance to;
we were pressed for time, had to get back to our Lexi soon,
but the lunch rush was over, so it seemed like a good option.
When I suggested it to Josiah,
well - we already know what he said.

I can't recommend the restaurant
but the company was awesome!
I love you, my Josiah


  1. Oh that's funny!

    I've never eaten there either but over the years I've wondered how such a place could stay in business so long.

    How are the sick ones?

  2. don't bother! I do have to say, the people were friendly. I guess that's how they've stayed... I suppose someone might find the food enjoyable. people who don't cook, maybe...

    kids are getting better. I see a light...

    maybe next week for the bags??

  3. i think Daniel H. really really likes it...


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