Thursday, December 22, 2011

chocolate drops

For when you want a little something.

Tyler made these so we could have some treats
at my family's Christmas gatherings last weekend.
They got a thumbs up from everyone who tasted them
from my don't-really-care-what-he-eats brother
to my totally buff body-builder sister.

Chocolate Drops

4 squares Bakers unsweetened chocolate - grated
3Tbs Xylitol - powdered in a small grinder OR a bit of stevia powder
1/4 c. coconut oil

1/4 c. raisins - chopped
1/2 c. almonds or pecans - chopped small & toasted
1 c. unsweetened shredded coconut

Mix well and drop onto a wax paper covered baking sheet.
Pop in the freezer for a few minutes 'til they harden a bit.


  1. Yummy!
    Wish we could have been there to try them!
    Have you looked around for more recipes? I've seen some, but almond flour is about $6/lb and coconut flour is nonexistent here. Any suggestions on substitutions?

  2. I have found a few recipes ~ funny that you mentioned Maria's kitchen to Lana - I've been browsing there, too. her recipes seem to use more 'unusual ingredients' and are pricier & more complex. none of which are bad - just not terribly realistic.... I think if you look for Paleo recipes, many of them will be compatible.
    Can you get almonds & coconut? I just make my own. I give it a whir in my blender for about 10 seconds. scrape the blender (otherwise you'll end up w a spread, not a flour...)and repeat a few times. I'm sure it's not quite as fine as what I could buy, but it works. I can get almonds for $3.67 / lb from Sam's and organic unsweetened coconut for as little as $2.10 / lb
    which is, obviously, still a LOT more expensive than wheat, but MUCH cheaper than buying the almond & coconut as flours.


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