I can hardly believe it's Friday already.
a Friday in September, to boot!
On Wednesday, Lily and I made a batch of
I've been using my homemade stuff for over a year now
and have been quite pleased.
Tyler had two containers that were just about out
and we had some leftover deodorant
after Lily filled my container
so we scraped out the remains of his
and added it to the remains of mine.
I figured he'd appreciate the manly smell
and this would be a good marriage of
homemade and chemical laden.
The thing about the homemade version is
it's soft.
It's especially soft for the the first few days after making.
I forgot to tell Tyler we'd switched up his deo
and when he went to use it this morning
he didn't use a light hand
seeing as how he didn't know he needed to....
It was hilarious
but I suppose you had to be there.
Look what came today!!
I'm both excited and terrified.
The battery is charged
and I'm on page 16 of the manual.
I think I might end up on page 16 for quite some time.
and even if you don't, you might want it - it's packed full of goodies!
When I order school stuff,
I always try to buy a few art supplies to add to our collection.
This year
I picked a couple of winners!
and she loves them!
She likes to color
but regular crayons just don't always show up real well
with the light hand of a little one.
One stroke on the page with a rock and she was sold!
We also ordered
a product I've looked at for the past three years
but just couldn't talk myself into.
This year
I was a little bit shy of the $150 in product
to qualify for free shipping
so it was the perfect chance to get them;
I figured
I could either pay for shipping
and have something to show for my money.
Excellent decision!
I only wish I would've ordered them three years ago.
These are the most amazing crayons I have ever touched
(and I was thoroughly impressed with Lex's rocks!)
The boys both said, "Oh, these are beautiful!"
right after they began coloring.
A half hour later
Lily woke up from her nap and we showed her our new treasure.
As soon as she put crayon to paper
she said,
"These color beautifully!"
You know what?
I think I'll do a give-away!
I am so excited about these crayons,
I'm going to give away a set of 24!
No kids?
No problem!
I'm pretty sure if you won these
as soon as they arrived in your mailbox
the kid in you would come out to play.
To enter the drawing
just leave a comment
telling me what you would draw a picture of first
if you won.
I'll draw a winner (draw a winner - haha)
I'll draw a winner Monday evening.