Tuesday, October 9, 2012

consider the source

I have this friend, Robbie, who has a huge gorgeous smile,
so when she sends me messages with :-))) 
I see her big beautiful smile.
When I write back, though,
and type in :-)))
all I can see is a double chin.


  1. Can't you just hear the smile in her voice when she posts? I know I read her things in her voice and it just makes my day :)))
    Pssst, I don't see a double chin!

  2. definitely ~ and feel her energy!

    haha ~ I didn't see it that time either ;-)

  3. Girlfriend, you are TOOOO funny!!! I was all into looking at your kids and how sweet and precious and look! they are holding a book and writing.. not holding a laptop playing Minecraft or holding the xbox controller and then I get to this post and CRACKED up...You are GORGEOUS and LOVELY and so BEAUTIFUL!!!! silly too ;p Hi Melissa!!!!!! Fancy meeting you here :D

  4. baahahahaha!!! you crack me up! thanks for the good laugh this mornin! although I don't think its as bad as you think, but I can relate! You are a funny girl! xoxo


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