I saw a little black ball of fluff
with a fondness for potatoes
of all things
scurry over to the corner.
mice don't turn me into an acrobat.
I'll kill 'em alright
but they don't scare me.
Just a few minutes ago
came crawling towards me
as I perched on the pot
where Lily has been just moments earlier.
Now that scared me!
I didn't have any problem killin' him
I considered saving his smooshed little body
to show the boys - so they'd know not to touch one
even dead
it gave me the heebie jeebies;
so I flushed him.
a SCORPION???? oh, dear!!! would have given me more than the heebie jeebies! I didn't even know they were in arkansas! You've been busy killing all kinds of unwelcome critters lately, guess thats a part of farm life, huh? Bravo!