Wednesday, December 15, 2010

...speaking of reading

Not counting Stepping Heavenward
which I generally read every January,
I don't read fiction.
Haven't since book 5 or 6 of the Left Behind series.
Not because I dislike it
mind you
but because I have so very much to learn
that my reading time is generally spent educationally.
and I have very little self control
and could easily get completely engrossed in a good book
and neglect 
pretty much everything
'til I finished it.

I recently checked out the book Garden Spells
from our library.
It was one of the books I found that looked interesting
through one of Ginny's yarn alongs
I have no clue exactly who was reading it....
I thought it was a book about using herbs
-and it is-
but it also

I'd forgotten that I checked it out
and when I went through the library basket
looking for books to return, I found it
and decided I'd take it with me to my hair appointment this morning.
(I hate to sit there
doing nothing
when I get my hair cut!)
I intended to look at it last night
you know - to make sure I wouldn't get bored with it
and end up 
with nothing to do
while my hair was bein' done.
I never got the chance to even crack the cover
but I grabbed it anyways as I walked out the door.

It turns out
it isn't really an educational book at all
- as in - 
the reader isn't left knowing how to make potions and such.
It's fiction.
And you know what?
I have thoroughly enjoyed it so far;
Sarah Addison Allen is a delightful storyteller!
Now, if you'll excuse me,
have a book to finish.

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