Monday, March 26, 2012

the end of an era

Today was Tony's last day at MarketPlace.
It's been a great first job for him
and he's leaving on excellent terms.
There was a time that I wondered if he'd stay there forever;
but times change
and he's decided to go to Cheddar's.
They're a much busier restaurant 
so we're thinking he'll be able to earn quite a bit more money.
Which means he can save more money.
And when a young man is looking to get married before too long,
well, saving more money is a very good thing.


  1. Luke and i were a little bummed. Marketplace is our favorite restaurant! wonder if we can switch favorite restaurants? ... Is there santa fe chicken on the menu at cheddars?

  2. nope, no santa fe chicken. dagnabit! ...
    oh well, congrats to him anyways! at least cheddars has the best dessert around :) maybe i will have the cookie for my birthday, diet or no diet!

  3. We first experience Cheddars when we were looking for a home here in VA - and it's really our favorite restaurant here because the food is always good, the portions are generous, and the price is reasonable. And you're right, they're always busy!! My in-laws don't have Cheddars near them in CA, so they insist on going there at least once every time they visit us. They always order salmon. :)

  4. Will miss him at Mktplce, but LOVE Cheddars! ;p LOVE their Bourbon Salmon! (Bourbon?? Did I say that??!:) Congrats on new job AND engagement! :)

  5. 2 votes for the salmon, huh? I may have to try it...
    now, now... they aren't exactly engaged yet.....


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