Friday, June 10, 2011

little baby is growing up

Guess who
- yesterday and today -
took herself to the potty
and pooped!

I'm sort of a pro, having done it eight times
but I have only one potty-training tip:
don't bother trying until the child is ready.
Really ready.
You'll save yourself
(and your poor baby)
so much frustration
(and laundry!)
If you do that
- wait on the child's readiness -
you won't have to potty train the child;
she will potty train herself.
Last weekend, Lexi wasn't quite ready.
Today, she's wearing panties.

I'm happy and sad at the same time...

another sneaky peaky :-)


  1. hooray Lexi!!!
    but what, would you say, are signs that the kid is ready?
    ... i sure hope Aiden decides he is ready soon, because these dipes make a momma gag...

  2. desire to use the toilet & the knowledge, not that they have just gone potty - but that are just about to go potty.

    Running to a corner to poop is certainly an awareness, but not necessarily a readiness, imho

    of course - you well know that lots of exposure to the idea and occasional testing out of the potty makes it not a fearsome thing.

    (Lex' is by no means 'fully trained' yet, we're just off to a great start)


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