Monday, June 20, 2011

nap, interrupted

Whack, whack, whack...
I was immediately awakened
- if I had even been asleep at all -
from my nap.
"Stop that banging!" I hollered.
And I heard it again,
whack, whack, whack...
in rapid succession.
I jumped out of bed and threw open the door.
I figured there was a slight possibility
it was my husband making all that racket
and not a child, after all, so perhaps I shouldn't holler again.
I rounded the corner to the living room to see Josiah,
holding Jeremiah's brand-new-almost fishing net
up in the air
trying to catch a fan blade.
whack, whack, whack...
Of course
I then pulled the old (stupid)
"What were you thinking?!" card
and clearly
 - as is usually the case when that card is used -
he wasn't thinking at all.
At least not beyond, "I wonder if I can catch a fan blade."

I wonder what he would have done
if he actually caught one?!

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