Wednesday, September 21, 2011

evolution of a quilt

on a rainy Saturday

I drew a grid on batting with disappearing marker

this will be bordered by pinwheels

I'm lovin' it.


  1. so, are you gonna sew the little squares together, or sew them onto the batting, or what?? i think it's gonna look great!

  2. sew 'em together
    (did that Sunday & Monday :-)
    I wanted random, but we know how that can get me into trouble ;-) so I arranged them randomly before sewing.
    I had originally planned on scattering a few blocks of each fabric - thus the grid - but after a few fabrics, I decided to just work my way down, because I was evenly distributing my 'random' squares and had the same fabrics by each other

  3. I see similar colors and styles on these pictures and the previous one of Lily's school box : )
    very nice girls! very nice!
    Love ya

  4. Oh so lovely!!
    (And ...So jealous of how you manage to find the time to create such beautiful masterpieces...)

  5. K ~ I've been working on this in fits and starts for almost 2 months (been collecting fabric for it since Feb - it would have been better if I'd started on it sooner; I gathered way too much fabric - and cut too much, too. I probably have enough squares cut for a whole 'nother quilt top!)

    Like everything - something gets undone when something else gets done. I'm still catching up on laundry from the weekend's neglect.
    love you!


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