Wednesday, September 1, 2010

things I wonder about

"It's okay Momma.
Maybe someday soon, you'll know your kids names again."
He'd said it with compassion
after I'd called him the wrong names
for the kajillionth time.
If I've said it once
I've said it fifty times,
"It isn't that I don't know who you are,
my brain and my mouth just don't work together sometimes."

It got me to wondering...
Sleep deprivation is a form of torture;
keep the victim awake until he talks.
why on earth
would anybody believe what the poor tortured soul said??

1 comment:

  1. Oh... Thanks for the good chuckle this morning!

    Nathan asked me how many times I was up with Etienne last night. ...After thinking I came to the conclusion that I just can't distinguish one sleepless night from another! They all blur together.


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