Wednesday, February 13, 2008

isn't it so much fun to have kids?!

It's dinner time
and a late one, at that.
We're just waitin' on Daddy to get home
The house is reasonably picked up and dinner is on the stove
Jeremiah & Josiah are wild
(what else is new??)
Jeremiah comes running into the dining room
and says,
"Mom, isn't it so much fun to have kids?"
As I'm taking the picture
he continues (loudly)
"It's so much fun to have kids
in a big house
with a dog and a camera and brothers and sisters
and a mom and a dad!
It's so much fun to have a full house!"
yep, it is


  1. I wonder at times what I am gonna think when I get married and have an empty house of my own. I guess that is why God gives us work or school. I have much to rejoice over though, I won't be moving out for QUITE a while! ;l Even when I get mad at 'em, I love my sibs.
    I am glad you made this blog.


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