Saturday, October 1, 2011


We played the 
funnest game ever
last night!

I'm telling you - we laughed so hard
most everyone had a headache!

I learned it from Susan about a month ago
(and you really should go read her post and see their drawings!)
but here's the gist of it
(copied straight from her blog; pretty sure she won't mind a bit)
just in case you don't want to click over.

1. Cut 8 x 11  inch pieces of paper into 6 index-card size pieces each (split each paper lengthwise in half, and then cut each strip into three pieces).

2. If you have five people playing, each person should start with a stack of five pieces of paper. If you have seven players, each person will have seven papers. (Each person starts with a number of papers equaling the number of players.)

3. When you're ready to start the game, each person should write a sentence or phrase (it can be a famous quote or saying, if you like) that the next person will attempt to draw.

4. When each person has written a saying on the top piece of paper of his stack, he passes his entire stack of papers to the person on his right (or everyone can pass left, just so all papers are being passed the same direction).

5. This person will read the sentence or phrase, move that paper to the bottom of the stack, and, on the top piece of paper, draw his best rendition of  the phrase or sentence he read.

6. When everyone is finished drawing, they pass their entire stack of papers to the right again, and the picture they drew should be on top (no one should look at any of the papers on the bottom of the stack).

7. This person looks at the picture, puts it on the bottom of his stack of papers, and then writes a sentence or phrase describing what he saw.

8. Papers are passed again, and the next person reads the sentence the person before him wrote. Now he will move that sentence or phrase to the bottom of his stack, and on the top (clean) piece of paper, he will attempt to draw a picture depicting those words.

9. Papers are passed again, and the process continues.

10. When the papers have gone all the way around the circle, it's time for everyone to show their stacks, starting with the original sentence and working through to the last picture or sentence. I think it works best if there is an odd number of people because you start with a sentence and end with a sentence, and you can clearly see how it changed during the course of the game.

We did add a time limit of 1 minute for the writing cycles
and 2-3 minutes for the drawing.
so we could keep the game moving along.

This one started with Brandon
(you should be able to click on each picture to view it larger)

went to Lana

who passed it to Luke.
'this little piggy cried, "wee, wee, wee," all the way home.'

Then to Marcos

Tony was next...
'Hansel and Gretel have a pet pig'
 Then Tyler

And I finished the round

 See???  Hilarious!!
This next one was the funniest!
I was feeling like a goober
'cause I was laughing hysterically
when I took the pictures just now.
I'm home alone.....

Tyler started it off
and it went around the table in the opposite direction.

'the pretty girl killed a man'

'She was once a sweet girl, but she became a murderer'

It's probably safe to say
at least for a time,
(when little ones can be occupied with something else...)
Apples to Apples
has been


  1. Haha! These are *great*! I'm glad you had so much fun. Love this game!

  2. This has got to be one of our most favorite games! I learned it from the senior class 2010. They played it on their mission trip.

  3. Pictence is the app version of the game. pretty fun game.


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