Tyler asked me ages ago to e-mail him our 'recipe' for turkey sausage.
Which isn't so much 'turkey sausage'
as turkey sausage-flavored ground turkey.
I think, anyways.
I'm not sure what qualifies something as a 'sausage'.
Aren't ya'll so sad you don't share my brain?!
I'm glad you don't share my brain!
It's pretty obvious there isn't enough to go around...
I finally fulfilled his request.
And since I never want to waste typing up one of my fabulous recipes
for just one person,
I figured I may as well torture present you with yet another of my recipes.
in the loosest sense of the word.
I do know this.
Without further ado,
Ground Turkey Sausage(ish)
to ground turkey, while it's cooking, (after you've put a splash of EVOO in the pan)
generously - onion powder and season-all*
pretty generously - ground fennel, garlic powder or garlic salt (or mix of both...)
some - ground sage
I'd guess that if it doesn't taste sausage-y, more onion powder, fennel and sage is needed.
But of course, that's just a guess.....
How would I really know without tasting?
Or at least smelling??
To make as patties:
add an egg per lb of ground turkey,
a smidge of olive oil,
and about 1/4 c ground flax,
all those spices above
then shape and cook.
Can also be baked in the oven to free up stove space.
*for all purpose seasoning,
2 parts garlic powder,
1 part onion powder,
1 part salt,
1 part paprika,
1/3ish part parsley - not packed and crushed a bit
and about 1/4 part black pepper
(I use a Good Seasons spice jar as my 'part')
(Paprika is cheapest at Aldi.)
Stay tuned.
Another poor soul friend asked for a recipe, too.
I'll be sure and share that with everyone also.
That one is a little more like a real recipe, though, with measurements and stuff.